sj hot

Super Junior is HOT!!!!!

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Chapter 6

The next day, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Sungmin, and Yesung is awaiting the arrival Lee teuk to university. Soon, Lee teuk arrived at school with you. They all smiled upon seeing Lee teuk with you even walking alone together.

Lee teuk: Hey guys, sorry my a little late today.
Eunhyuk: yahhh ~ ~ ~ my notice a man who was in love.
Sungmin: yes, my also smell it.
Ryeowook: yahh ~ ~ ~ since when you two so close?
Yesung: It seems like just yesterday you guys know each other.
Eunhyuk: Ahh ~ ~ you do not know. Last night, they both go out together.
Yesung: MWO!!! ahh ~ ~ ~ you are so smart Lee teuk ssi.
Ryeowook: ahh ~ ~ enough. Lee teuk tell us how you can go out with?
Lee teuk: * blushing * my actually do not think she will accept my invitation to asking her out.
Eunhyuk: wow ~ ~ ~ you’re so lucky.
Yesung: okay guys, we'll continue this story anymore. Now we have class.
Lee teuk: let's go.

While you were interviewed by Hangeng and kangin.

Kangin: Hangeng ah ~ ~ this was why she did not want us to go pick her now.
Hangeng: hmmm ~ ~ ~ yes. people already have someone.
You: what are you talking right now?
Hangeng: kangin look. She pretended not to know about.
Kangin: yahhh ~ ~ ~ How did you close with Lee teuk?
You: I do not know. * grin *
Hangeng: no need to ask kangin. She is happy now.
You: that is enough. Let us have class now. Lecturers will nag about because we're late.
Kangin: let's go.

Kyuhyun heard lee teuk conversation with his friends earlier and went to see Heechul to tell about it.

Kyuhyun: * breathless * Heechul ssi!!!!
Shindong: yahhh ~ ~ ~ calm. take a deep breath and last, take a deep breath and hold. * laugh * hahahahahaha
Donghae: yahhh ~ ~ you breathe out, why are you running like being chase by a ghost?
Kyuhyun: Heechul ssi, I have very important news.
Heechul: important news? what is very important?
Kyuhyun: Lee teuk ssi, he starts out alone together with ssi _____.
Heechul: MWO!!!! out alone together?
Donghae: you do not fool around.
Kyuhyun: yahhh ~ ~ ~ ~ babo, I'm not kidding. I heard their conversation earlier.
Heechul: how can this be happening. I should be coming out with a girl that's not Lee teuk.
Shindong: what are you gonna do now?
Siwon: I think you should do something, if not you will be missed.
Heechul: I will do something to impress the girl.
Shindong: For the first time, Kyuhyun very useful in breaking the news.
Kyuhyun: well, I always useful. Not like fish.
Donghae: * scream * yaaaa ~ ~ ~ are you going to find a problem with me?
Kyuhyun: * tongue out * babo!!!
Donghae: aishhhh, boy.
Siwon: Come on, he is magnae, that's why he is behaved like a little childish.
Donghae: you wait Evil magnae. I teach you later.

Heechul POV

what am I going to do now? Now Lee teuk already managed to reach the girl, while I did not do anything. This can not be tolerated. I have to find a way to reach her. But how? I never approach any girl before. Later I thought.

when Heechul went to the toilet. his friends said something about it.

Siwon: do you think this plan will work?
Shindong: I do not know.
Donghae: Eunhyuk told me, lee teuk already started to fall in love to _____ ssi.
Siwon: no matter what, do not let Kyuhyun know about this.
Donghae: that's right. If you know the expiry Kyuhyun ruined our plans to unite.
Shindong: ahahahah ~ ~ ~ we had to do this because this is the only way to unite the two.

Lee teuk, Heechul & Kyuhyun did not know that Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Shindong, YESUNG, Donghae, siwon and Sungmin already planning something to reconcile both of them after a long feud.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun appeared from behind.

Kyuhyun: kyahhh ~ ~ ~ what you all are talking about?
Donghae: * ogle * can you leave them alone?
Kyuhyun: yaa ~ ~ ~ rotten fish, I do not talk to you. * evil glance *
Donghae: aisshhh ~ ~ ~ you are certainly going to find a problem with me.
Shindong: let him. You do not get too emotional. Heechul will be angry at you and not to him.
Donghae: you good luck today.

Donghae is not that love with Kyuhyun. Because he love derogatory impose excessive people. But deep inside, he is very loving Kyuhyun because he is the magnae of the group.

Chapter 7

after Heechul back, he told his friends he thought the plans earlier.

Heechul: yahhh ~ ~ guys, I have an idea but I need help with one of you.
Siwon: Ideas?
Donghae: wowow ~ ~ ~ good or bad idea?
Heechul: if one of them should have acted as the snatchers?
Shindong: This is a crazy idea. If the police arrest us how?
Heechul: once you hear my explanation, you understand.
Shindong: okay. proceed.
Heechul: after you snatch ..........

Heechul tells his plan to his colleagues.

after classes end hangeng and kangin invites you to a discussion group. You're returned to their respective homes and will meet again at the library at 2 pm later.
Exactly at 2 pm, you arrive at the library. but kangin and hangeng not arrived yet. So while you wait for them, and you go to a store nearby to buy drinks. When you groped your pocket, you realize you have dropped cellphone in the car. So you go back to your car to take its back. Suddenly someone came snatch your bag. You shout for help. Coincidentally, at that time Heechul was there heard a scream and he continued the chase snatchers.

Heechul: yahhh ~ ~ stop.
snatchers: no. I do not want to.
Heechul: yahhh ~ ~ CHO Kyuhyun!!!!!
snatcher: ahhh ~ ~ ~ okay, here take this bag.
Heechul: great job. Now you can go.
Kyuhyun: Ahh ~ ~ do not forget my wages.
Heechul: Yes, I remember my promise.

Heechul go back to you, and deliver the bag to you again.
Thank you Heechul for being willing to help you.

You: Thank you so much. If you're not here just now I might not be able to back my bag.
Heechul: aisshhhh ~ ~ ~ is not have to thank. This would be our duty, right. We should help each other.
You: Yes, that's right. Ahhh ~ ~ introduce my name is ______.
Heechul: * shake * heeee ~ ~ my name is Kim Heechul but you can call me Heechul.
You: MWO!!! wait for a while. If I am not mistaken, you are the leader of the group Heenim right?
Heechul: Ahh ~ ~ ~ (* covers the face) How did you know?
You: all the people in the universities tell a story about you.
Heechul: Ohh ~ ~ I already expect that you must already know.
You: Not only that but I also know about your feud with teukkie leader group.
Heechul: wahh ~ ~ ~ I was so famous, right? So everyone can know about this.
You: * laughs * probably as well.
Heechul: oh yes ~ ~ why are you here? You're waiting for someone to?
You: ahh ~ I had a discussion with my team but they have not come yet.
Heechul: Oh, like that. I thought you were waiting for your lover.
You: Lovers? ahh ~ ~ is not possible.
Heechul: Who knows, right.
You: ahahahha ~ ~ you are funny.

Heechul: * smiles * I love to see the people around me smile especially you.
You: ahahaha ~ ~ liar. okay, that my friends have arrived. Okay next time we chat.
Heechul: okay.

Heechul POV

Argghhh `~ ~ ~ ~ how I want to ask for her number? I'll try to, if not try I'll never know.

Heechul: chakaman ~ ~ can you give me your phone number?
You: of course. nah, this is my number.
Heechul: jinjja ~ ~ ~ ~ ahhh, gumawo. Later if there is time I'll call you.
You: Well, I went first.

You would pass to go to the library.

While in the library, hangeng and kangin feel that something is you hide from them. So they will say to you.

Hangeng: yahh ~ ~ ~ _______ ssi. If we ask this question you do not raging, okay?
You: ahahah ~ ~ you not ask how I want to be angry. What is it?
Kangin: I wonder, why are you so easily give your number to them. Lee teuk first, then now Heechul. Do you have anything that you hide from us?
You: ahhh ~ ~ ~ what do you think?
Hangeng: when we met, you are difficult to assign a number to the new person you know.
Kangin: that's right. Why now you too easily give it to someone you just know.
You: * laugh * hahahahahahaha, you two do not face too seriously.
Kangin: You're making both of us worried.
Hangeng: kangin say what is right once. neither of us want to lose a friend again.
You: I know.
Kangin: if so let us know.
You: Well, I'll tell you the truth.

all of a sudden .....

Eunhyuk: wait a minute.
You: ahhh ~ ~ Eunhyuk oppa. What do you all do here?
Donghae: we're all here to discuss further plans.
Kangin: wait a second. Plan what?
You: in fact,
Siwon: in fact, we asked she to help us to unite Lee teuk and Heechul.
Hangeng: MWO!!! This lunacy. ____ Ssi, you know the consequences if this thing broke.
Kangin: that's right. you already crazy? You endanger yourself. I want you to stop for all of this. okay.
You: Hangeng, kangin ahh ~ ~ please understand. I do all this to help them. That is not wrong.
Kangin: okay, the thing you want to do that is to bring people together not one, but it would be dangerous. If it's broke your life will be threatened.
You: I know but ...
Hangeng: but what .. you trot feeling them. the wrong thing.
Shindong: stop, please calm down. Let's go talk somewhere else.

They all went to a beautiful beach. And discussions continue.

Siwon: Hangeng & kangin. I know you worry about you guys friends. But you need all the help she desperately needs.
Ryeowook: that's right. If this is revealed, we will be fully responsible.
Donghae: That is right.
Kangin: oh ~ ~ you will be responsible? do you guys even sure my friend not to be harmed?

Eunhyuk, Donghae, Shindong, siwon, Ryeowook, YESUNG, & Sungmin kept silent because they could not answer questions kangin.

Hangeng: Well, ______ ssi, if you still care about us, please do not continue this lunacy. This work will hurt you.
You: but my intentions are good.
Kangin: when this thing broke, would they care about your good intentions? huh ~ ~ ~ we are very worried about you. But if this is what you choose, we can not do anything about that. This choice is yours.
Hangeng: If you still want to continue anyway. Continue anyway. We will not take care about you anymore. Kangin let go.
Kangin: let. Only waste time talking to people like this.
you: yahhh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ chingu yahhhh

Kangin and hangeng very angry with you. They're both very worried about you but you stick with your decision to help groups and heenim teukkie.

Donghae: _____ ssi, mianhae. Because of you want to help us, you're losing your friend.
You: * tears *
Siwon: We understand if you not want to continue anymore.
You: * tears * it does not matter. They will understand why I am willing to do all this.
Eunhyuk: be patient, okay. * Puts your head on his shoulder *
Yesung: you do not grieve. We all would be here with you.
Sungmin: That is right. we will be here to help you.
You: Thank you. So what things should I do next?
Siwon: like this ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Siwon told the next step for you. You're listening closely so that this plan goes smoothly.

Chapter 8

When you get home, you try to contact kangin and asked him to come and see you.
Soon kangin come to your house ...

Kangin: Why did you ask me to come here?
You: kangin, do not do me like this. I need you both.
Kangin: If you need us why you do this stupid thing?
You: Do you personally know why.
Kangin: Because I know why, I did not want you to do.
You: I have to help them.
Kangin: But you sick. Why do you want to endanger your life for them. They do not have anything to do with you.
You: I know. But this is the only way I can reduce my guilt for the death of Jenny.
Kangin: here you hear me. Jenny death not caused by you but it already determined by fate. We can only plan but God disposes.
You: You, I did not know how am I going to explain to you. I did not have much time. I need to help people who need my help, and they all need my help.
Kangin: * sigh * I did not have any I want to say, but remember we are very worried about you, where you are dying so you still want to help others. You should help yourself by helping others.

Kangin leave you in the living room. You feels very sad when you heard the words from  kangin to you.

The next day, you go to college as usual but without the presence Hangeng and kangin. They are very upset with you. You also feel very sad because you really need both of them as well as you. You go to a quiet place to calm down and mind.
Suddenly you are approached by someone you know.

Lee teuk: good morning.
You: huh!! ~ ~ Aigoo .. you surprise me.
Lee teuk: mianhae ~ ~ I do not intend to surprise you.
You: ahh ~ ~ it's okay. * Smiles *
Lee teuk: hmmm ~ ~ ~ what are you doing here alone?
You: just want to calm the mind.
Lee teuk: Ohh ~ ~ did I disturb you?
You: not. oh yes, how can you be here? I mean this place is quite rare student visit.
Lee teuk: maybe other students rarely go here but not on me.
You: huh, not at you??
Lee teuk: yes, I always come here when I have a problem. This place is so relaxing.
You: that's right. I agree with you. * smile *
Lee teuk: Why are you seem moody? you have a problem?
You: moody? not possible. I'm okay.
Lee teuk: ______ ssi, if you have a problem you can tell on me. Who knows, I can help you.
You: Thank you volunteered to help me but I'm okay.
Lee teuk: hmm ~ ~ I'm just worried about you.
You: * hold eeteuk cheek * do not worry. I'm okay.
Lee teuk: Well, I trust you.
You: * smiles * you, I have a question I want to ask you.
Lee teuk: you have questions? for me?
You: yes, for you.
Lee teuk: what is it?
You: Why are you feuding with Heechul?
Lee teuk: the story is very long and very complicated to explain.
You: if you do not mind, can you tell me?
Lee teuk: if that's what you want. This story ....

Lee teuk retell the story of the past 4 years.

Lee teuk: yahhh Heechul ah ~ ~ ~ ~ let's go hang out together. another friend was waiting for us.
Heechul: MWO!! I can not go today.
Lee teuk: not like this. Even if you are busy, but consult a snap. It was not long.
Heechul: yahh ~ ~ ~ how many times I wanted to tell you. huh!! you do not understand the!!!
Lee teuk: ahh ~ ~ why are you? Why do you suddenly want to get angry?
Heechul: never mind.
Lee teuk: If you have any problems, you can share with us or you can share with me.
Heechul: This is not a simple matter. You guys would not understand me. In fact you never understand me.
Lee teuk: how we all want to understand you, if you were like this.
Heechul: Enough. You want to know what my problem is. My problem is you.
Lee teuk: MWO!!! me?
Heechul: Yes, you do. You do not know. Since we are friends, I'm always compared to you. you're more loved by the people around you when I do. I always looked down upon by the people around me, including my own family.
Lee teuk: I think you and I are no different.
Heechul: * smiles sarcastically * for you, yes, but not for others. You do not know how it feels when compared with others. and that person is a good friend of mine. you do not know what I feel.
Lee teuk: * sad * hahhh Heechul ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ do not like this, you do this because you hate and feuding with I.
Heechul: I'm trying not to hate you but I can not deny what I feel now. I am very angry and very hate you.
Lee teuk: Heechul ah ~ ~ do not like this.
Heechul: I'm sorry, but as of today you are no longer my friend, and I'm no longer your friend.
Lee teuk: Heechul ahh ~ ~ ~ `(screaming)
Lee teuk flowing tears when telling this story to you.

Lee teuk: this is a true story. and no one knows.
You: teukkie oppa, gwenchanayo??
Lee teuk: I fine. Even siwon, Shindong, Donghae does not know the real story. That's why they went away from me and others.
You: * wiping tears * Teukkie ssi eeteuk, cheer up okay.
Lee teuk: Until now, I had never thought of him as an enemy, I just follow the pace just so I was in the same level with him. And so we are not discriminated against anymore.
You : I understand. Come on, you do not cry anymore, this is the first time I see a handsome man cries in front of me. *smile*

Lee teuk: * wiping tears *
You: Come here, I give you a hug to calm you.

Lee teuk and embrace you without you realizing it remotely Heechul is watching you. This has led to more anger and hate Heechul to Lee teuk.

Heechul POV:

Ahhh ~ ~ shit. Why Lee teuk always get what he wants. Why I do not. I can not let this happen, I should forbid ______ ssi from meeting with Lee teuk. If not ______ ssi, will probably fall in love with Lee teuk.
I will eliminate Lee teuk. He has always been a a stumbling block to me.
You wait for retaliation away from me Lee teuk.

You: never mind, I have to go now. I have a class.
Lee teuk: let me send you.
You: Okay. Before that come here.
Lee teuk: why?
You: I want to wipe the tears that you are still there. * Takes tissue *
Lee teuk: ahh ~ ~ gumawo.

Lee teuk feel so happy because you care about him. This makes Lee teuk more like you.

You: Well, suffice until here.
Lee teuk: ahh ~ ~ okay. I went first.
You: Fine. bye ~ ~ ~ ~
Lee teuk: See you later ... * kisses your cheek *

You are appalled that the Lee teuk the cheek kiss you. You also really have fallen in love to Lee teuk but because your responsibility is to unite Lee teuk and Heechul. You forget your feelings towards Lee teuk.

After Lee teuk sending you to class, he continued to go to his friends at their usual hangout. Suddenly, Heechul came and punched Lee teuk. The two members of the group surprised by Heechul action against Lee teuk. This makes Eunhyuk ran to get you.

At the field where Heechul and Lee teuk being fought.

Lee teuk: yahh ~ ~ why are you suddenly attacking me?
Heechul: I should do this from time immemorial.
Lee teuk: what do you mean?
Heechul: Let me go, you fool!!!!! You always take all the things I love. Includes _____ ssi.
Lee teuk: MWO!!!! yahhh ~ ~ I used close to her not you. After all who wants you if you continue to be so.
Heechul: (lee teuk attack) I'll kill you!!!!!!!!

The two members of the group tried to disperse the brawl. Whereas Eunhyuk just arrived in your class.

Eunhyuk: excuse me, can I see _____ ssi?

You: Wae Hyuk ssi??
Eunhyuk: Heechul suddenly attacked Lee teuk. And now they are fighting on the field.
You: MWO!!!! fight!! why?
Eunhyuk: I'm not sure but I believe this is certainly because of you and our plan. Let's go now.
You: let's go.

After a few minutes you and Eunhyuk arriving at Heechul and Lee teuk fight.

Eunhyuk: Donghae ah yahh ~ ~ ~ ~ You know why they fight>
Donghae: this is because ____ ssi. Heechul ssi jealous _____ closer to Lee teuk.
You: MWO!!!

you go to them and try to resolve the fighting.

You: enough!!! stop fighting!!! What's with you two?
Lee teuk: I know where he suddenly attacked me.
Heechul: aisshhh ~ ~ ~ you're
You: Heechul ssi ~ ~ I say enough!!! What do you guys think?
Heechul: I do not like to see him close to you.
Lee teuk: * smiles * he is jealous to see us together more closely.
You: so you think I like the one of you? like that?

Lee teuk and Heechul silent. Fights between Heechul and Lee teuk already been resolved.

You: you think who you are? Hey, you two hear what I will say, I never had any feelings for you both. There has never been and will never be. * Shed tears * You're not worthy to my. You know why. Because you two are too ego and childish attitude especially Heechul. You too take care what people say about you and Lee teuk.
Heechul: how do you know.
You: my already know everything. Each had their differences. Not only that, you both also have shortcomings and advantages of each. You two are the same.
Lee teuk: so you do not like me?
You: Yes, I do not like you at all as well as Heechul. If you continue to be this way no single girl will love on you.

Heechul and Lee teuk bewildered to hear your words. You also feel guilty to Lee teuk because you have hurt her feelings when you truly love her.

You: Come on, waste my time talking to people like this. Let's all go from here. Let them both.

you and all members of the group went to leave them both in the pasture.

Once you're all fled the field, leaving Heechul and Lee teuk both on the ground.

Lee teuk: ultimately, that is what we got.
Heechul: is this it feels when abandoned by those we love.
Lee teuk: * sigh * maybe. My heart feel so painful and it hurts me.
Heechul: me too. What should we do now?
Lee teuk: Heechul ah ~ ~ let's end all this?
Heechul: what?? (* looks lee teuk *)
Lee teuk: until when we have this kind of enemies. See now our situation is very severe. We not only lose the people we love but we may not be able to have it.
Heechul: so? what do you want me to do? Forget all?
Lee teuk: yes, we forget everything. We start new friendships. Forget all what people say to us.
Heechul: I'm not sure whether I could or not.
Lee teuk: If I may, you must be able to.
Heechul: * thinking *
Lee teuk: let's be friends again. * reaches out *
Heechul: Fine. * shake hands *
Lee teuk: ahh ~ ~ finally all got over. Heechul ahh ~ ~ ~ we have to go meet with _____ ssi. If not because of her we could not get back together again.

Continue (chapter 12 part 1)

You and the other was standing close to them. You're all very happy that this plan goes smoothly.

Eunhyuk: yahh!! we plan to succeed!!!
Siwon: yeah! it's cool guys .. * laugh *
Donghae: _____ ssi, thank you. If not because of you this plan may not be successful at all.
You: * sigh * pallor * yes, you're welcome. I have to go now.
Shindong: yahhh!! why is your face pale?
Kyuhyun: that's right. Your face is very pale? You are not healthy?
you: ahh ~ ~ gwenchanayo .. I'm fine. I'm have to go now.
Yesung: you want us to send you?
You: not necessary. thank you.
Sungmin: ahhh ~ ~ can not be so, let us take you to the car.
Ryeowook: that's right. at least as a sign of our thanks to you.
you: ok.
Eunhyuk: haa ~ ~ let's go now?
Kyuhyun: wait a second. we all send it to?
Donghae: yes, who else?
Kyuhyun: Yea! rotten fish!
Donghae: ahhh ~ ~ this boy!! let's go.

They all laughed at the antics Kyuhyun who like to make Donghae angry. Are you all are heading to the car. Hangeng and kangin appeared suddenly.

Hangeng: ______ ssi.
You: hangeng kangin ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ahh you two have here?
Kangin: yes, we are here. We feel very guilty and sorry for our actions that day.

Eunhyuk suddenly interjected ...

Eunhyuk: _____ ssi then, so we went first, then move the discussion guys.
You: Fine.

After they all go hangeng, kangin and you talk back.

you: never mind. * weak *
Kangin: are you okay? you seem very weak condition?
Hangeng: that's right. You have to take your medicine, right?
You: yes, I have. Now I'm going home. I'm so tired I want to relax.
Hangeng: let us send you back.
you: no need. I can back myself. After all I drive the car today.

You walk towards your car and suddenly you fall down and unconscious. Kangin and ran hangeng you already unconscious.

Hangeng: omo ~ ~ ~ ~ _____ ssi!!! wake up!
Kangin: hangeng ahh ~ ~ what are we gonna do now?
Hangeng: we take her to go to the hospital now.
Kangin: Fine. Let me drive the car.
Hangeng: okay, palli ~ ~ ~ ~

Hangeng and kangin very long panic because I had not passed out like that and if you passed then they sure you already worsening situation.

Chapter 9

arriving at the hospital, you have been admitted to the ICU. Hangeng and kangin is trying to contact you but the parents can not be contacted.
After nearly three hours of waiting, finally the doctor out of the ICU room.

Kangin: Doctor, how the situation my friend?
Hangeng: is she okay?
Doctor: * sigh * like this, mr. kangin & mr. hangeng. Your friend is very worrying situation. Right now she was still in a critical situation. What we can say is plenty to pray so that she can continue to survive and fight cancer.
Hangeng: All right. thank you doctor.
Kangin: * sat down * hmm ~ ~ ~ how now. I have never advised her but her does not want to hear.
Hangeng: never mind. we can not be sad. If we grieve her would be sad and this will make her lost the will to go on living.
Kangin: * wiping tears * that's right. I will not cry. I’m just worry about her.
Hangeng : I believe that she will be strong.
Kangin : I know she will be strong but now her cancer going more worst.
Hangeng : What can we do now is pray for her safety.

The days, it has been almost a year you get rid of without news. While Lee teuk is making every effort to keep track of your existence but all just useless. Only kangin and hangeng only know the existence of you, but they would not give to anyone because it requests you.
One day, Lee teuk was sitting alone in his house, and without his realizing Heechul enter his house quietly.

Heechul: * snarled * yahhh ~ ~ what are you thinking?
Lee teuk: * shocked * ahh ~ ~ I surprise you this time. Nothing.
Heechul: You still think _____ ssi?
Lee teuk: * Sigh * Where else should I go to find her?
Heechul: so, now you have given up?
Lee teuk: no. I will continue to looking for her until I get to see her.
Heechul: But how long? It has been almost a year she disappeared without news of their own but also his best friend does not know where she was.
Lee teuk: even if it takes a thousand years, I will continue to find it because she was my first love.
Heechul: this situation would not be so complicated if I do not war with you, right?
Lee teuk: ahh ~ ~ all that has already passed. Do not think anymore.
Heechul: I was right to apologize.
Lee teuk: No need. I will never take care of it all.

After a long chat, lee teuk invite Heechul, to go out to meet someone but he also brought along a letter.

Heechul: Lee teuk ssi?
Lee teuk: MWO??
Heechul: I always noticed that something strange about you?
Lee teuk: huh?? Strange that how?
Heechul: Every time we go out or you leave, you always take the letter away with you. Why do you always take?
Lee teuk: You will know later.
Heechul: okay.

In the cafe,

Heechul: why are we here? You want to see with whom?
Lee teuk: soon you'll know.

A few minutes later two men came very people they know, which was between Kangin and Hangeng.

Lee teuk: Finally, you arrive.
Kangin: sorry I was late, we got stuck in a traffic jam just now.
Lee teuk: does not matter.
Heechul: Lee teuk ssi, why do you want to meet them?
Hangeng: Yes, why lee teuk ssi, wanted to meet with both of us?
Lee teuk: in fact, I would like to ask that you may be able to submit this letter to _____ ssi.
Kangin: but ....
Lee teuk: yes, I know you two do not know where she is. But if she contacted you or meet with you please submit this letter to her.
Hangeng: All right. We will submit this letter if we see her.

Chapter 10

while in the car, Lee teuk telling something to Heechul.

Lee teuk: Heechul ah ~ ~ ~ ~
Heechul: MWO??
Lee teuk: can you promise me something?
Heechul: promise?? promise of what?
Lee teuk: If something bad happened to me, I want you to continue our business, and continue to be my friend forever.
Heechul: * laughs * ahh ~ ~ you just made ​​me nervous. I will keep and continue our business and our friendship. Do not worry.
Lee teuk: * silent * only

On the beach, Kangin and hangeng arrive at your home that is close to the beach. although you are not like before but you grateful to have friends who are very're worried you.

Kangin: What are you thinking about?
You: ahh ~ ~ you have arrived.
Hangeng: Yes, why are you here alone? Where nurses who take care of you?
You: I asked her to come in because I want to be alone.
Kangin: not okay here you are standing alone, is not good for you. Let's go. I have something for you.

You three went into the house and sat in the living room.

You: what you are going give it to me?
Hangeng: a while ago, Lee teuk send orders and asked us both to go see him.
You: why?
Kangin: Because he had a letter for you.
You: MWO??? letter for me?
Kangin: yes. nah take this letter. we have to go now because we do not want to disturb you. Nurse, if there is anything amiss, phone one of us, ok?

Nurses & hangeng kangin nodded and went back to their homes. You looked at the letter with a long and think whether you want to read it or not.

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