sj hot

Super Junior is HOT!!!!!

Tuesday 13 November 2012



Hello chingu!!! Ahhh~~ it's been a long time i didn't update this blog. Actually i'm was so busy with my schedule. 

By the way, i already know all of ypu already know about the hottest issue "SCANDAL PIC OF EUNHYUK & IU ". Here i want to share my opinion about his current issue.

My opinion about this issue is don't trust any rumors. I didn't mean the picture is wasn't true. The picture was "REAL" and i admit it i was mad at first.
But i already calm down and think positively about this issue. 
All of knows that Eunhyuk is a guy and he will get married one day. If he was in a relationship with someone he likes and loves, i think there's nothing wrong with it. 
Eunhyuk is a human being not an "ALIEN". He deserve to falls in love with who he likes. 
Don't we remember our promise before 


When we say "PROM15E to 13elieve" , we promised to them that as an ELF whatever happen we gonna stay with them forever no matter what will happen. But what happen with your promises when this issue became bigger some ELF unfollowed Eunhyuk on Twitter. Did you know how it feels when we get betrayed from someone that we trust. It feels so hurt, right. But why you did it to Eunhyuk. 

How about "10VE" . It's was so easy to say " yeahhh~~ i really love my biased more than everything in this world" but when our biased make a little mistake why you leave him when he really needs you to keeps support him. Is this "REAL ELF" or "FAKE ELF". 
The "REAL ELF" will always standing and support his biased as well. That was the "REAL ELF" but the "FAKE ELF" is the one who easily leaves their biased because believe in rumors or etc. 
So which one is you??

Come on ELF's...
Eunhyuk also is human being, he deserve to feels love in his life. Do you want to see our oppas happy,right. I know that now Eunhyuk & IU just like Hoobae & Sunbae but if both of them was really in a relationship we should happy and pray for their happiness not bashed one of them. 
All of us wants to marry our biased but we knew that we can't get married with them. So if one of them already met their soulmate we should happy for them cuz' finally he found the girls who can take care of him for us. We came from all different countries and if all of us can't accept his choice what will happen to him?? Do you want him to be single for his whole life. do you?? 


Think it wisely ELF. Put yourself on your biased situation and you will know what it feels if you loves someone but your family can't accept him. 

Jeongmal mianhae if my words hurt some ELF but it from bottom of my heart. I've cried for three days cuz when i've heard that SM want to sent Eunhyuk to military service ASAP due to this issue, now i've already calm down but still hoping that SM will never do that to Eunhyuk. All ELF will get more hurts to see him go to army while the leader wasn't there. It will be so nice if Lee teuk Oppa was there and protect his dongsaengs.. ;((

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