sj hot

Super Junior is HOT!!!!!

Saturday 6 October 2012



 There are 4 people a great friend who had not met after finishing school. They are Yesung, Ryeowook , Emily & You. Without your knowledge, one of the male friends really like you but do not dare to express his feelings to you. He did not dare to express his feelings to you Because he worried if you stay out of it. Therefore, he decided to continue to suppress his feelings. One day, you have decided to meet again with all good friends after a long time did not meet.

 You : Hello, can I speak with Yesung ssi?
Yesung : Hello, yes, I'm talking. who's there?
 You : it’s me _______ . Don’t you remember me?
Yesung : Of course I still remember you. Why did you call me this morning?
You : I plan to organize a reunion between four of us. So I want you coming to the reunion later if you are not busy.
Yesung : Of course I'll come. I really missed you all. When the reunion is being held?
You : Next week. on the roof the place where we always hang out together.
 Yesung : Okay, I will go there.
You : see you later. Bye
 Yesung : Bye~~~


Awaited day has finally arrived. now you are just waiting for YESUNG. After a few minutes later, Yesung arrived. Finally you all can come together after so long. You guys talk all about themselves and their careers. Yesung, now become a very successful entrepreneur. Ryeowook was managing his family enterprises. Emily is currently a director of a company famous and you were just like Ryeowook manage family enterprises. After a long chat about their life you move on to more personal questions.

Yesung : *laugh* Who among us who already married? Raise your hand.
Emily :  * raise her hand*
Ryeowook : huh?? you already married. when?
Emily : Two month ago.
You : Why did you not invite us to the ceremony?
Emily : Mianhae. All this happened suddenly. I want to invite you but I'm so busy that they forget to invite you all.
Yesung : It’s okay. We pray you happy with your partner.
Emily : Thanks guys.

Yesung noticed there was something going on there. He saw Ryeowook and you're looking at one another. Emily also noticed the condition. This makes Yesung feel uneasy about having to see his loved ones look the other guy. And that man was his own best friend. Although he does not express his feelings. but he still felt jealous to see you closely with other men.

Emily : Okay guys,  exactly what happened here I feels like some people seem very happy here.
You : * shocked * huh? who?
Emily : Oh come on, stop pretending okay.
Ryeowook : Okay guys, here I would like to announce that I and _____ will get engaged soon.

Yesung and emily like electric shock when he heard the announcement made by Ryeowook. Emily was so happy because good friends are engaged to someone who has been long known. While Yesung instead, he was disappointed that ______ will become engaged to another man.

Emily: since when you guys dating?
You: we have almost seven years together.
Emily: mean time we are still studying in college.
You: it must be true that.
Emily: Ryeowook ssi, I did not realize that you is the one who managed to steal the hearts of my good friends.
Ryeowook: I also did not expect that she would be accepting the proposal to be my fiancee.
Emily: I have a warning for you. Although we both have long know but you have to take care of my good friends do not ever make her cry. okay.
Ryeowook: Okay. I promise you.

Yesung be very quiet after hearing the news of the engagement. You noticed the change Yesung a sudden. And you try to call him.

You: Yesung oppa, you okay?
Yesung: * shocked * yes I'm fine.
You: You do not want to say congratulations to both of us.
Yesung: ahh ~ ~ ~ congratulations. hope you get married soon.
You: Thank you, Yesung oppa.


After a few hours of talking, now is time to go home. You're all hugging each other and promised to meet again someday if there is free time. After the Ryeowook car disappeared from view, Emily has called  Yesung but  Yesung seems to be in another place. Emily again calling his name. And he realized it.

Yesung: why did you call me?
Emily: Why did you change after hearing the announcement from Ryeowook just now?
Yesung: what do you mean? I do not understand?
Emily: stop acting like there is nothing happening. you disappointed to hear that they will be engaged soon.
Yesung: Not. I'm glad to hear it.
Emily: Do you still like the old days. Clever pretend like nothing happened. You still loves her, right?
Yesung: What nonsense are you doing? I loves him? I could not love her?
Emily: You may be able to fool others but not me. I really know you YESUNG oppa.
Yesung: Enough. I do not want to hear anything else. I want to go home.
Emily: *shouted* Even if you try to forget her, you will never succeed in life because you only have her in your heart.

Yesung went to leave Emily alone. He was aware that Emily knew all about his feelings for you. Therefore, he had to go leave emily alone. He was afraid Emily will tell you about his feelings towards you.
The next day, suddenlyYesung get a call from Ryeowook.

Ryeowook: Hello dude. You're busy?
Yesung: I actually was not very busy. why?
Ryeowook: I would like to invite you to my engagement ceremony.
Yesung: I'm not sure if I can attend or not because I was going to Japan next week for leisure.
Ryeowook: I hope you can come to our engagement day later.
Yesung: That's alright. Although I'm not coming event will still take place right. So before I'm late, congratulations are engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world.
Ryeowook: Thank you Yesung ssi.
Yesung: you have to take care of her as you take care of your own life. Arasseo.
Ryeowook: I'll take care of her very well.
Yesung: * tears * okay I have to go now.
Ryeowook: Okay.

Yesung wiping his tears. and said to himself "I should be happy for her.  Soon, she will be Ryeowook fiancée. I should forget my feelings towards her. ________ ssi, I pray you will be happy as well as the person you love”.


Finally the engagement between Ryeowook & you arrive. You two are so happy that finally after 7 years of love bonding now you will go to a more serious before married.
From a distance it looks Emily arrived at the engagement ceremony. You two go say hello to Emily who come alone.

You: hey you come alone? Where Yesung oppa? Why do not you two come together?
Emily: I hope so, but I have many times tried to contact Yesung oppa but there was no answer. So just had to come alone.
Ryeowook: * sighing *
You: Ryeo oppa, why do you sighing?
Ryeowook: I can feel there is something wrong with Yesung ssi. After I announced our engagement he will direct change.
You: ahh ~ ~ not possible. She looks good while talking with me. I think he had a problem he office. Maybe so.

Engagement ceremony went smoothly without any problems. Once the ceremony is completed, Ryeowook looked sad. You feel very anxious to see his condition then you go anywhere near Ryeowook.

You: oppa??
Ryeowook: * shocked * ahh ~ ~ I can die with a heart attack if you always make a surprise like this again.
You: mianhae ~ ~ * smile *. From the last I noticed you, why do you grieve?
Ryeowook: I'm sad because the only friend I had not come to my engagement ceremony.
You: I feel sad too but Yesung oppa must have his own reasons why he could not come to our event.
Ryeowook: probably yes. But at least he can call me to tell why not come.
You: alright. It was already late at night let's go home and relax. Tomorrow we have to go to the office.
Ryeowook: Well my dear. Let's go home.


The next day, You tried to call Yesung oppa but still no answer. After a long time trying you Finally managed to contact Yesung oppa.

You: hello, Yesung oppa?
Yesung: yes I'm here. Why do you call me this morning? There is something important to?
You: I want to meet you. Can?
Yesung: Meet? Why?
You: Later I'll tell you when we meet.
Yesung: Yes. Where do we meet?
You: In the usual place.
Yesung: You come together with Ryeowook to?
You: no. Only two of us.
Yesung: * worried * right. See you later.
You: okay.

Yesung come early so as not to be late to meet you. After a few minutes of waiting, Finally you come to meet with Yesung. Yesung was especially worried, because he feared for the question to be asked by you soon.

You: yahhh ~ ~ ~ Yesung oppa come first. * smile *
Yesung: Normally, I would like to come early. So why did you invite me to see here?
You: Oppa, when I asked this question I hope you will be honest with me.
Yesung: What's the question?
You: Why Yesung oppa did not come to our engagement ceremony?
Yesung: I'm busy.
You: You were not honest with me Yesung oppa.
Yesung: Sorry, but I do not * stopped *
You: I do not what Yesung oppa?
Yesung: Do you really want me to be honest?
You: Yes.
Yesung: Yes. I'll be honest with you. I actually do not want to see the people I love is engaged to another man.
You: MWO!!! * Shocked *
Yesung: Yes, I love you _____ ssi. But you never notice it. I was angry with myself. Why am I so stupid for being too afraid to express my feelings exactly. Unfortunately, I was too late to express them now you're already a fiancée.
You: How can you * stopped *
Yesung: How do I love you? I also do not know how these feelings can arise. It came suddenly that I failed to control my feelings towards you.
You: So that's the reason why you are not coming to the us?
Yesung: yes, I'm not so strong to see you engaged to another man.
You: Mianhae oppa ..
Yesung: you do not need to apologize because you never did anything wrong. I should do it from the first. But it does not matter as long as you are happy I am happy also. Love does not necessarily have so I have to accept all that you are not my mate.
You: oppa ~ ~ ~ * tears *
Yesung: * hold your shoulder * I hope you are happy with Ryeowook. He is a very good man and honest with you. You should not squander it. I will always pray that you two will live happily together.
You: oppa ~ ~ you said as if you want to go far away from me.
Yesung: I have always been close to you. Ryeowook you and my best friend is what I love. Do not worry I will not go anywhere I'll stay here with my good friend.
You: no matter whatever, you're still my friend forever.
Yesung: * smiles happily *

Without them knowing there are people spying and listening to every thing they talk. Yesung and you return to work after completion of each talk.


Now its already 2 years YESUNG disappeared and also engagement you and Ryeowook. Ryeowook had changed him like never before. Formerly he was a very happy man and will always please you in whatever circumstances but now he has changed. You can feel there is something that interferes with Ryeowook mind.

You: Ryeo oppa.
Ryeowook: Yes dear, what's up?
You: I noticed you now have changed. Do you have a problem? If there is a problem let me know maybe I can help.
Ryeowook: I changed? You are wrong not me who changed but you. * raise voice *
You: I changed? I've never changed.
Ryeowook: Perhaps you have never changed but your hearts are changed.
You: The heart and my feelings have never changed. In my heart there is only you alone, no one else.
Ryeowook: Fraudsters. If it's true you love me why time I invite you to marry you not agree?
You: At that time, I was not ready yet.
Ryeowook: I'm waiting for you 2 years to get married but you still refuse. Why? Is this due to Yesung?
You: Yesung? Why do you have to associate him in us?
Ryeowook: Why? Do you feel uncomfortable I involve him in this.
You: Come on I'm going home.
Ryeowook: * grasp your hand * yahh ~ ~ I had not finished talking yet. You hear me talk even reach whenever I would never let you to anyone, including my own best friend. Do you understand!!! * bawl *
You: Hey, you hurt me. What nonsense, I do not even understand. I never thought to leave you for another man.
Ryeowook: I think you do not know who you two meet in silence without my knowledge.
You: Do you follow me?
Ryeowook: Why? Was it wrong I followed my own fiancee.
You: dear, you have been misunderstood. We just talked.
Ryeowook: Talk or expression session?
You: MWO!!!
Ryeowook: Yesung really love you right. But he's too late to express him feelings towards you. You think I do not know.
You: * Shocked * You also spy on our conversation?
Ryeowook: Yeah, I already know everything.
You: Yes, him loves me but I do not love him. I just love him no more than a brother. You have to believe me.
Ryeowook: * silence *
You: If I love him why I'm still here with you. I should be busy finding him not being here with you.
Ryeowook: * looks the other way *
You: * hold * cheek Ryeowook Oppa, I love you so much. Due too love you, I can not afford to love others as only you who is in my heart.
Ryeowook: I'm afraid to lose you. I would die if you left me for someone else.
You: I know. I will never leave you no matter what happens.
Ryeowook: Really?
You: Really dear. * kisses cheek Ryeowook *
Ryeowook: darling, I'm sorry so as to raise their voices against you.
You: I know you did not mean to do it.

finally the misunderstanding happened between you guys finished on the same night. Now you're back friendly as before. You also realize that you should be honest with Ryeowook from the past so that this problem does not occur.

In front of your house ...

Ryeowook: darling.
You: Yes, my dear.
Ryeowook: Tomorrow, I want to invite you to go to a place that is very special.
You: Really!! Where we want to go?
Ryeowook: How can you tell now. Tomorrow you will know.
You: Okay. See you tomorrow dear.
Ryeowook: Okay sweetie. * kisses your forehead *


The next day ...

You: Oppa, where you want to take me?
Ryeowook: Be patient, in a minute we get there.
You: ahh ~ ~ ~ okay ...


Ryeowook: We have arrived.
You: * happy * I'm very missed this place.
Ryeowook: Do you like it?
You: must. This is your place to express your feelings towards me.
Ryeowook: * smiles shyly *
You: oh yes, why are we here?
Ryeowook: * kneel * honey.
You: Yes dear.
Ryeowook: Would you marry me?
You: * stunned *
Ryeowook: * thump * I have proposed to you many times and this time I hope you will accept my proposal.
You: * no response *
Ryeowook: * waiting for hope *
You: * smile * Yes. I do.
Ryeowook: * shocked * Really??
You: Yes, that's right.
Ryeowook: Gumawo. Finally, you should accept my proposal after repeated attempts.
You: Yeah dear.
Ryeowook: I'll tell eomma & Appa about this. They must be very happy.
You: Yeah dear. me too...

Ryeowook feels so happy because after 2years waiting now you accept his proposal. Ryeowook call his family right after he send you back to home…


You want to call Emily to tell about it. And just when you want to call Emily suddenly your phone rings.

You: Hello,
Emily: * tears * hello, _____ ssi.
You: WAE your voice just different. Are you crying?
Emily: Can we meet?
You: Of course. When?
Emily: Now!! at current places. Please invite Ryeowook oppa once.
You: Okay.

You told Ryeowook that Emily wanted to see them. Emily looked very sad. You feel good with where Emily cried when you called earlier. Ryeowook and you go to the usual place as requested by Emily. Emily was up first.

You: Emily, what happened? Why are you crying?
Emily: It's about Yesung oppa.
Ryeowook: * Shocked * Why with Yesung ssi?
You: * curious *
Emily: Yesung oppa, him already * stopped *
You: Emily? Yesung oppa why?
Emily: Yesung oppa him had died due to an accident.
You: * shocked & cry *
Ryeowook: when?
Emily: It is 1 year. YESUNG sister has tried to contact us but could not be reached.
You: * almost fainted * YESUNG oppa!!!!!! Ryeo oppa, let's go to the grave YESUNG oppa now.
Ryeowook: Well dear.

The three of you go to the grave Yesung to meet him.

In the cemetery ....

You: * running * Yesung oppa!!! wae you leave me? You already promised me you will not leave me. * cries * severe
Ryeowook: darling, do not this is not good. If you grieve so YESUNG more sad.
You: Ryeo oppa, YESUNG oppa has promised he will never leave me and now He reneged on his promise.
Ryeowook: I know. He is fated to go first dear. Please be patient.
You: * crying *
Ryeowook: Yesung ssi, although it was too late I want to apologize to you. You is the only good friend of mine. I admit I had think bad about you but nevertheless you still my friend forever. * tears *
You: Yesung oppa!!!!!!! * Shouted *

Ryeowook hug you to calm your very saddened by the passing YESUNG. You were shocked until you passed out. Ryeowook felt very anxious and to bring you to the hospital for treatment.

At the hospital…

Ryeowook: doctor, how my fiancee?
Doctor: Mr. Ryeowook, your fiancee is not anything. She was in good condition. But she suffered shock of significance to her. We already gave him a medicine that he felt more relaxed. do not worry.
Ryeowook: Thank you doctor.

Emily standing next to Ryeowook still grieve. Emily deliver something to Ryeowook.

Emily: Ryeo oppa, I have to go now but I want to deliver the last of Yesung oppa trusts. Yesung sister asked me to submit to you and ______ ssi. Here are shown the name you do not forget to submit to ______ ssi when she woke up later.
Ryeowook: Yes. Thank you Emily.


After Emily went, Ryeowook read a letter given by Emily from Yesung.

"Dear my friend,
When you read this letter I probably have not in this world anymore. First of all I want to apologize to you if I have done wrong. I always want to see you happy therefore I want you to promise me. I want you to continue to love ______ ssi forever. Although I have already expressed my feelings on her but she still chose you as his mate. I admit I was very disappointed to find out you're going to get engaged and then you're going to get married but I could already too late. But I know you will keep ______ ssi well. I hope you two will live happily forever. And if you will accept the child give him a name Yesung so you will not forget me who are not here in this world. Ryeowook ssi, you are my best friend forever ...”


Ryeowook tears after finished reading the letter from YESUNG. Ryeowook pledge to continue to take care of you forever and you will name the first child with the name of the intertwined Yesung so friends will not go away.

Finally you realize from faint and call Ryeowook.

You: Ryeo oppa!
Ryeowook: Yes dear.
You: do not leave my one here. my fear you will also leave me.
Ryeowook: shhh ~ ~ my will not leave you dear. This my promise. I have a letter for you from Yesung. Emily gave me. Okay I'll wait outside.

You quickly opened the letter and read it ...

“Dear Yeoja chingu,
me hope you are in good condition only. I know you must're glad to be in addition to the person you love. I never discouraged even though you do not realize that I love you. But one thing that you should know is that I will always love you even though you do not really love me. I accept it with an open mind. I know Ryeowook is the most suitable partner with,
you. He will protect you the same way that I have to protect you first. I always pray that you always be happy together with Ryeowook. We will remain friends forever even though I'm not in this world. Take care of yourself is good.”

Lots of love from,

You continued to cry and Ryeowook into your room and calm you. Both of you pledged to live together and to fulfill the trust YESUNG.
Although Yesung's gone you should continue living. Friendships you will continue to last until the end.



ORIGINAL IDEAS/CREATED BY : Dyra Nadira/ admin_kimsanggun

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